Grain upon grain, one by one, and one day, suddenly there’s a heap, a small heap, an impossible heap, 2013, first exhibited at Play Urban, Strasbourg.
The title of the work: Grain upon grain, one by one, and one day, suddenly there’s a heap, a small heap, an impossible heap, is taken from the opening lines of Samuel Beckett’s play, Endgame. For the piece, the text of the play was printed out and each phrase cut out separately. As the type was set at 11 points, this resulted in a collection of tiny pieces of paper, each containing a few words. These small pieces of paper were displayed in a small heap on the floor.
Grains of sand, as individual entities, are insignificant and scattered, small and elusive; any attempt to count or sort through them is immediately ridiculous. But when the grains of sand coalesce, they become a solid or singular entity; a heap, a beach, a desert, a mound, a dune etc.